The Ecopilas Foundation is a Collective System of Expanded Producer Responsibility (SCRAP) for the management of waste batteries. It was constituted in 2000 by the main manufacturers and importers of batteries in our country in response to the principle of co-responsibility of producers on the management of waste derived from these products at the end of their useful life.


Consequently, its Board of Trustees represents the different sectors involved in placing batteries on the market, both manufacturers and importers, as well as the distribution represented by ANGED.


At present, Ecopilas has the most extensive collection network of portable batteries in Spain, with more than 35,500 collection points, making it the second largest network in Europe with approximately 796 collection points per million inhabitants.


Ecopilas is a reference in Spain and Europe in the management of used batteries. With 811 adhered companies it is the most important batteries collective system in the country, both in batteries and portable batteries, industrial batteries and of electrical vehicles.

What are scrap? they are non-profit organisations, made up of manufacturers and importers whose objective is to channel the correct management of waste. Royal decree 110/2015 on weee maintains the principle of extended producer responsibility, in application of the “polluter pays” principle. In this sense, the manufacturer and importer of batteries has the obligation to assume the financing of the management of the waste derived from batteries.