Who’s a producer?

In accordance with Royal Decree 710/2015, of 24 July, amending Royal Decree 106/2008, on batteries and accumulators and the environmental management of their waste a producer is:

“any natural or legal person who, irrespective of the sales technique used
(including distance communication), places on the market for the first time
batteries or accumulators, including batteries or accumulators
incorporated into appliances or vehicles, in the context of a professional activity.”

Producers are:

  • Manufacturers: If you manufacture in Spain, you are the producer (unless you manufacture for a third party under the brand of that other company, in which case the latter may, by agreement between the two parties, assume the status of producer instead of being the manufacturer).
  • White label, own brand or distribution brand marketers: you can assume the condition of producer of the batteries and/or accumulators that you sell, even if they are manufactured in Spain by another company (by agreement between the parties you would be the producer).
  • Importers; If you buy the batteries and/or accumulators from a Member State of the European Union or from a third country to sell them in Spain, you are a producer.
  • Distributors: if you are the importer of the batteries and/or accumulators you market, you are a producer (importer) in relation to those batteries and/or accumulators. If all the batteries and/or accumulators that you market have been acquired from manufacturers or importers that are already producers in Spain, the distributor is not a producer.
  • Distance seller: if the company or legal entity is established outside Spain and sells batteries and/or accumulators by means of distance communication directly to private households or professional users in Spain, it is a producer.
  • Distance seller established in Spain: If all the batteries and/or accumulators that you market have been acquired from manufacturers or importers that are already producers in Spain, you are not a producer. If you import, you are a producer of those batteries.

How to adhere

To adhere…

You can fill in our adhesion form here, we will contact you to request the necessary data and send you your personalised adhesion contract that you will have to return signed to formalise the registration of the company in the register of batteries RII-PYA.

Adhesion form


Once adhered…

  • You will be provided with a username and password to access the Battery Management Platform to the private area of the company.
  • You will be able to make quarterly Declarations of products placed on the market through the Declaration Module.
  • Depending on the declarations made, the system will invoice you on a quarterly basis, according to the approved tariffs for each type of product.
  • You will be able to consult the historical data of the company’s declarations.
  • The Area of adhered companies will notify you of the periods of declaration, the legislative novelties and of the Collective System… and will maintain you informed of all the subjects that can affect or be of interest for the producers adhered to ECOPILAS.